Compulsory insurance for health and accident services:
Municipal representatives with a contribution basis above the minimum threshold who were
elected or appointed to public offices in the Upper Austrian municipalities.
Municipal officials who are in a public-law employment relationship with an Upper
Austrian municipality or an Upper Austrian association of municipalities.
Contract staff of the Upper Austrian municipalities and associations of municipalities
whose employment relationship was established as of 1 January 2001.
Compulsory insurance only for health care:
Officials on pension.
Widows or orphans of deceased municipal officials.
Recipients of childcare allowance, provided they were insured with KFG before maternity
Recipients of own or survivors' pensions under the ASVG (General Social Insurance Act)
if the active or deceased contract staff member was covered by health insurance with
Compulsory accident insurance only:
Municipal representatives with a contribution basis up to the minimum threshold.
Chairman of the Accident Insurance Fund
LAbg. Peter Oberlehner
Chairman of the Health Care Fund
Klaus Preiner
Vice Chairman of the Accident and Health Care Fund